GH’s Carolyn Hennesy Shows Solidarity With Her Jewish Friends

Standing Strong: Carolyn Hennesy’s Unique Support for the Jewish Community

Amidst the global surge in anti-Semitism, General Hospital’s cherished star, Carolyn Hennesy, is determined to make her stance clear in support of the Jewish people, particularly during these challenging times for Israel. Hennesy, known for her wit and charm, recently took to her official Instagram account to convey her sentiments in a heartfelt and distinctive manner.

GH’s Carolyn Hennesy Shows Solidarity With Her Jewish Friends

Carolyn Hennesy.

“Hello everyone, Carolyn Hennesy here,” she began with a touch of humor, acknowledging herself as the “world’s worst videographer” before unveiling her latest acquisition. The camera panned to reveal a vintage antique mezuzah, proudly displayed after installation. For the uninitiated, a mezuzah is a parchment inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah, traditionally placed in a case. Originally designed to serve as a reminder of God’s commandments, it has evolved into a symbol of protection against malevolent forces.

Hennesy shared the meticulous details of her installation, emphasizing the importance of placing the mezuzah in the upper one-third of the door frame at a specific angle. Playfully expressing gratitude to the rabbi whose blessing played in the background during the installation, she then transitioned into a more solemn tone.

Expressing solidarity with her Jewish friends and extended family, Hennesy dedicated the mezuzah to individuals close to her heart, such as Stacey and Danny. “I stand in solidarity with every Jew on the planet and the nation of Israel. I am with you. I support you. I love and value you. So there, today I am Jewish,” she affirmed.

In a world where alliances seem to be diminishing, Hennesy’s words resonate deeply. She invited her audience to witness her newfound house protection, emphasizing its aesthetic appeal while humorously acknowledging the scroll inside, stating, “I’m not stupid. I need all the perfection I can get. Shalom.” Such affirmations of support from influential figures like Hennesy are invaluable, and this writer extends gratitude for her heartfelt sentiments.